The Long Road
Tragedy Is Life

Wednesday, November 30  

I did not just learn that my life is out of some bad movie... I did not just find out the most disturbing fact I've heard in a long time... I am not completely weirded out... washing my brain with soap does not sound like a good idea... but most of all... I'm not going to tell you what the heck is going on

posted by Joel | 3:32 AM

Tuesday, November 29  

You learn new things every day... like today... I learned about grills... not the things you cook with... not the things George Foreman claims to have perfected... People have decided that it would be a cool thing to put jewlery on their freaking teeth... I don't understand... I also tried looking at Launchcast for some music that I might want to listen to... apparantly I'm completely out of touch... there were like two songs I'd heard of in the top 100 list... and they were that rediculously bad Sean Paul crap Rob makes me listen to from time to time... I guess it's time to revert back into my Christian music... I at least know most of that stuff and like a good portion of it

posted by Joel | 3:21 AM

Saturday, November 26  

I hate the american consumer... they are soooo stupid... they will buy stupid crap like the Sauna Belt... this p.o.s. thing makes you sweat in a specific area... and thusly makes you loose weight... at least the commercial says so... it's advertaized as the fastest way to loose wieght... it's wrong... the fastest way to loose weight is to cut off limbs... or as rob suggested you could cut out sections of your brain... you only use about 15% anyway... More people should not exist

posted by Joel | 3:41 AM

Monday, November 21  

In March Jerry and I are planning on going graveside for Sue's birthday... I'm not sure how I feel about this... I grew up in a house where graves and big sad funerals were looked down upon... We always believed firmly in the soul being the important part of a body and once a person dies what's left behind is useless flesh and bone.. All of us are dead-set on becoming ashes and my dad always says he wants a party for his funeral... We do not fear death... at least that's what I was brought up thinking... Now I'm finding more and more that I want to go visit that cemetary... I haven't gone yet.. but I want to... I see why people are so attatched to the bodies left behind... In a way that I didn't understand before

posted by Joel | 2:05 AM

Wednesday, November 16  

posted by Joel | 1:33 AM

Sunday, November 6  

*Post Deleted*
I had a post here in which I was describing stuff I said was stupid vs retarded... I offended someone with it and for that I apologise... I can only assume it's because I was fairly harsh against communists... I went back and re-read the post and realized I insulted the people who believed in the theory and not the theory itself... That was wrong of me and I'm sorry...

the other possible explanation is this comment at the end of the blog
All Middle-Easterners cut themselves when shaving

This exists because I have been making sweeping generalizations at the end of each post in an effort to illustrate how stupid they are... either way I am sincerely sorry to offend

posted by Joel | 1:09 PM

Friday, November 4  

posted by Joel | 4:01 AM

Wednesday, November 2  

So I've recently come up with a theory, a rather ingenious one if I do say so myself. I call it "Why Sean is Such an Ass"

I centers around two majorly mindblowing concepts,

Concept one: He is not a (wholly) bad person. I assume this to be true simply due to the fact that Jenny, whom we all know to be a fairly rational individual, stayed with him so long. Knowing this he either must be, to some extent, a decent person or he must have voodoo powers.

Concept two: The reason we percieve him to be a total ass is.... His life goal is to be Murdered. Think about this for a second. He decides he wants to be murdered for some unkown reason (he hates himself as much as the rest of us would be my guess). So he looks around and says "How can I piss off someone big enough to do this?" He notices that his girlfriend is friends with two guys who could crush him with their pinkies (Nick and I... though I have a feeling many of her friends would have little trouble with him) and those two rather large individuals happen to be the protective type. His next logical thought is "hey if I'm enough of a jerk to my girlfriend they will probably kill me." So he proceeds to be a jerk. After a long time of this going on, his death being pondered several times but never actually carried through, he realizes that he underestimated our tendancy to respect Jenny's wishes reguarding his safety. His next step logically would be to find the next oppertunity to ditch her life-saving protection and increase his efforts to enrage us twentyfold. It's an exceptionally good plan and it is taking some real restraint on my part to not carry out the multitude of plots my sinister mind has concocted for his demise. The hardest part is it would be really easy to get away with, I mean who would miss him? When noone cares that your dead and the body is hidden, tends to get hard for the killer to be caught. So he's an absolute jerk that noone would miss and I live near Big Hill... not gonna be hard to hide things there... Anyway... I'm gonna go polish the highpowered tranquiliser gun I recently purchased for... educational reasons... Goodnight guys

All children between the ages of 8 and 10 hate Kurt Russel

posted by Joel | 11:07 PM


So I have been in one big rutt lately... I don't feel like doing anything but sitting at home or at Rob's house playing on my comp... pretty sad... I found out that I'm going to have to spend another year at columbia before I'm completely ready for transfer... It eases a lot of stress in my life on one hand... but it also is a long freaking time to be here... I'm disillusioned with the world... Even my fun job is becoming a hassle that I'd often perfer not to have to attend to... Gone is the Emo kid with a good reason and here is the boring but slightly less annoying kid who is going nowhere fast. On the bright side I'm hopefully gonna have a little fun soon to break up this melancholy existance... I'm turning 21 this month... yep I'm here to welcome the time of being begged to buy booze for the underaged and inversely someone everyone wants involved in their parties... Just incase you look foreward to taking advantage of this fact I'm intending to turn down lots of offers for gas money in exchange for my services or any other incentives one might send my way

Oh and just in case you aren't the most observant person on the face of the earth Trux has a new Blog which is also linked in my buttons section... he's already got a button and thusly should consider himself the most fortunate person to ever view my blog.

All hippies eat nuts

posted by Joel | 1:57 AM

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