The Long Road
Tragedy Is Life

Tuesday, April 29  

April 29, 2003 11:30 pm.... Project portfolio complete... 10 hours before it's due

posted by Joel | 11:33 PM

Monday, April 28  

STUPID TEETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted by Joel | 11:30 PM


So I had to look through old work for senior project and found this and realized that I never posted it

50 things I want to do before I Die

1.Read the Silmarillion- fat chance... I've decided that I don't like this book anymore
2.Read Mere Christianity and What's so amazing about grace- I'll get to that in college
3.Obtain a giant Library of books, movies and cds- working on it
4.Go back to Australia and New Zealand- I'll do it someday dangit
5.Re-visit the home-stay people- considering I have no idea who they are this isn't likely
6.Revisit the Maori- not likely either
7.Attend an Opera at the Sydney Opera House- will get to that when I go to the stinking continent
8.Learn Old English- hope thye teach it at Chapman
9.Learn Latin- they better teach it at Chapman
10.Learn Japanese- they gotta teach this one
11.Go to Japan- I'm gonna have to be rich aren't I
12.Become a master Bladesmith- well on my way... not really
13.Read Beowulf in the original old english- couldn't understand it in regular english
14.Learn Iajitsu- I've got no clue how I'll manage this one... big guys don't move that fast
15.Learn Judo- I know a black belt in judo so this is more likely
16.Learn Kendo- they teach this in tuolumne county.. they better teach it in LA
17.Smith wepons of destruction- Do chisles count?
18.Use said weapons- The walls bear witness to my chisles and punches
19.Become a good fencer- Halfway there I suppose
20.Obtain a working Katana, Wakazashi, and Tanto- that may even happen this summer
21.Obtain a German Greatsword- See above
22.Obtain a Great Axe- See above
23.Smuggle Bibles into China- That would be so fun till I got dead
24.Play professional football- If I'm gonna do this other stuff I may need to manage this one
25.Buy my dad a house on the Oregon Coast- I get one first
26.Get married in Monterey- Haven't told Krystal about this one yet
27.Go to Turtle Island Figi- can you say honeymoon?
28.Go to Azusa Pacific- Not gonna happen now
29.Become a counselor- Prolly will be a teacher instead
30.Break 1400 on my SATs- I hate you past self
31.Die saving somebody- Lets see.... prolly not yet
32.Drive a Dodge Viper- a Civic's close enough
33.Drive a Charger like in Fast and the Furious- did I mention I may need some money
34.Visit ground zero- Krystal wants to go to New York.. we may have to do this for spring break of something
35.Own a pure-bred Basset hound- Blondie counts
36.Read the whole bible- working on it
37.Make my kids millionaires when they retire- now where did I put that load of money?
38.Find Sharlene- I Did This!!!... reminds me... I'm supposed to call her
39.Beat Rob's RX7 in a race- pretty soon I won't have to break the speed limit
40.Break a world record- Most cherries tied with tounge!!!!
41.Visit my uncle in Germany-.... uh huh
42.Participate in a Civil War Reenactment as a United States Sharpshooter- will do when I've got the money
43.Own a Breechloader and Greencoat Uniform- Again the money issue
44.Destroy the Meth labs in Tuolumne County- the neverending story comes to mind... I may need a nuke
45.Hear the voice of God as many times as possible- ongoing project
46.Forgive Bin Laden- I thik I accomplished this one
47.Meet Skillet- I'll do it this summer
48.Learn to play the piano as well as truxton- fat fingers... won't work
49.Make a safety- I've got four more years
50.Get my doctorate- that costs money too

Anyway This was my favorite project so far and I had to post it... night

posted by Joel | 11:29 PM

Friday, April 25  

Why the crap does the ad on my blog have to be about teeth!!!!! argh.... I found out like 45 minutes ago that I was supposed to gargling with saltwater all frickin day.... Hey it's pill time one sec... I love this time... I just sit back and wait for it to all go away... I think today was much worse then yesterday... but it's starting to subside... so I have high hopes for tomorrow... I wanna do something fun.. everyone had stuff they were doing on friday so I just sat around until lacey's thing but I wanna do something tomorrow... David and Sarah came over for like an hour or so tonight... made me happy person... then they went off to fox's house to play ddr... I wanted to come along but there's no doubt in my mind that my parents would've said no... I've got some stuff to take care of tomorrow for the portfolio... mostly the pictures.... but I'me gonna have some fun tomorrow if it kills me... I'm gonna go now.... night

posted by Joel | 10:50 PM

Thursday, April 24  

So I've now got four holes in my mouth... It hurts like heck to begin with then every once in a while I'll move my mouth in a way that will disturb the stitches... It hurts so much... I don't get vicadin to take.. I've got perscription strength ibuprofen.... It works.... Ahhhhhh.... I hate muscles twitches.... but I get jello... and pudding... and milkshakes... and yogurt... lifes not too bad right now... It's really creepy when it's happening... they told me I wouldn't remember much... they were wrong... I even remember them getting on the internet in the middle of it... I remember the exact feeling as they pulled my teeth... I remember the tearing sound... I remember how hard the guy had to push and pull to get them out... I remember that the bottom ones took a lot longer then the top ones.... I remember her saying during the second tooth that it had four roots... I remember the smoke rising up when he used the drill... It smelled like the sparker on a lighter... I remember he had to drill a lot more on the last tooth... the lady kept asking if I'd fallen asleep... how do you answer something like that while someone's pulling teeth out of your mouth or pushing black string through your gums... I couldn't feel my chin until about an hour and a half ago... The anesthetic for the areas that needed it wore off but not the toung or chin... I can't believe we payed so much fricking money so this guy could dig some suvineers out of my head... then I came home and slept... woke up occasionally but other then that... here comes the pain killer... yey... I can move my mouth a little now without excrusiating pain... I can even talk when this stuff is in... and fairly normal sounding.. though my mouth is as closed as possible... anyway I'm gonna go... considering the massive amount of time I'm gonna have in the next two days I'll prolly blog a few times... though It likely won't be for the squimish... at least I know my girlfriend won't be grossed out.... C'ya

posted by Joel | 6:46 PM


"Hey Joel guess what? We started skinning cats today... It was fun!" -Krystal

Be afraid.... Be very afraid...

So I'm getting my teeth pulled tomorrow... fun fun silly willy... I'm not very nervous yet but I can tell I will be... I never liked getting shots.... or any of that stuff... I just hope they're all done soon... Krystal doesn't even have wisdom teeth... lucky bum.... anyway It's like almost one and my appointment's at 8:30 so I should go... oh Lacey and Jenny... please don't hate Krystal for that.... and Good job today Lacey... I was much impressed..and sorry to JoJo for him not getting to here his girlfriend... I know he's gonna beat himself and his parents up about that one... I sympathize with Allen but still... that sucks... ok goodnight for real this time

posted by Joel | 12:47 AM

Sunday, April 20  

I still haven't found any drive to do this... I'm just doing this purely because I mean to... anyway... I finished my senior project... Yayyyy... it went well... people showed up... they congratulated me on a great job... then they went home.... I feel as though all that work accomplished absolutely nothing... I didn't even try to do an invitation... I froze up there and just kept talking about Jimmy.... stupid Jimmy... I'm just really glad that's over... I may get back to my blogging now that I'll have a schedule again... I may not... time will tell... night

posted by Joel | 11:16 PM

Wednesday, April 9  

He was crazy of course
From the first she must have known it
But still she went on with him
And she never once had shown it
And she took him off the street
And she dried his tears of grieving
She listened to his visions
She believed in his believe-ins

Oh, he was the sun burning bright and brittle
And she was the moon shining back his light a little
He was a shooting star
She was softer and more slowly
He could not make things possible
But, she could make them holy

He was dancing to some music
No one else had ever heard
He'd speak in unknown languages
She would translate every word
And then when the world was laughing
At his castles in the sky
She'd hold him in her body
Till he once again could fly

Well, she gave him a daughter
And she gave him a son
She was a mother, and a wife,
And a lover when the day was done
He was too far gone for giving love
What he offered in its stead
Was the knowledge she was the only thing
That was not in his head

He took off East one morning
Towards the rising sun's red glow
She knew he was going nowhere
But of course she let him go
And as she stood and watched him dwindle
Much too empty to be sad
He reappeared beside her saying,
"You're all I've ever had"

Oh, he was the sun burning bright and brittle
And she was the moon shining back his light a little
He was a shooting star
She was softer and more slowly
He could not make things possible
But, she could make them holy

-Shooting Star, Harry Chapin yet again

posted by Joel | 8:12 PM


you know what I just realized... you can't email me unless you're on my safelist... if you emailed me already then do it again.... I have to fix this... ah... there we go... put the word Blogger in the subject or it won't get through... also... If you have read David's blog take a moment to record a mental note.... Slap David next time I see him.... I told him what was wrong with comments even after he refused my generous offer to do it for him..... Remember that mental note

posted by Joel | 4:06 PM

Tuesday, April 8  

I have discovered the problem with Comments.... and I will fix yours for you ... for a small fee.... 3 easy payments of $9.99... just kidding anyone who wants me to fix their comments email your username and password to me at also give me your account information if you are already signed up for them... I claim all uberness for this accomplishment... go me

posted by Joel | 10:13 PM


So I'm not even gonna try to apologise for not blogging for a week because if your anything like me reading everyone elses apologies has made you a little jaded.... anyway I've been feeling like crap for the past 2 days... don't really know why.. it is guessed that it's my antibiotic pills... I donno... oh well... David came over to work on physics today... we got a lot done... not as much as he had hoped but much more then I needed to do.. then we went out to eat.. riding in his new baby... that thing needs a name... it doesn't lend itself to the insults his cars usually take on so this will be more difficult then usual... anyway I had an absolutly horrific sandwich and a good milkshake so all was good... then david got a call from some chick asking for a Stan or something who ended up threatening him... rather creepy... anyway I'm gonna go.. night

posted by Joel | 9:58 PM

Tuesday, April 1  

So my parents got pretty angry with me for not getting off the computer and doing my homework... Blah... my fault... I was just finishing the last chapter of this fanfic I was reading before I got started on my government work but I totally failed to let them know that... oh well.. I stopped and did the homework and all is well now...I'm fairly bored... think I'm just going to end up going to sleep but I don't particularly want to... it's a half an hour too early... not that it should stop me or anything... Krystal had a really bad day today... you'll read all about it no doubt... She has made repeated references to moving up here... I know the answer I'm supposed to give on instict is "that would be awesome, you should do it." but I find myself trying to think that option out a little more... I haven't been too sure if I'm ready for that... for starters we've never spent more then like 4 days in even the same city and she would be staying in the same arrangement we have when she comes up no doubt... at least until she has someplace to stay.. this prospect thrills me... but I'm also a little frightened... I don't know... I'm positive I would be very happy if it came to pass and would encourage her if she was sure it was the right thing to do right now.. but I wanna be sure I'm ready before I give that token answer everyone expects... I've got to explore this some more... night

posted by Joel | 11:44 PM


"I wish I was a 3 foot tall midget with six fingers and six toes" -Zack Albrecht... I hope that's how you spell that....

posted by Joel | 2:08 PM

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