The Long Road
Tragedy Is Life

Wednesday, March 30  

The Glad-a-Wagon finally died today... it's parked on the side of the road on Old Wards Ferry, and It cannot go uphill... it dies trying... So after this wonderful realization I get to come home to a uncomfortably tense house full of problems I need to fix... It happens this way whenever I get so busy that I don't see much of my family... Anyway overall a crappy day... seems to be the norm as of late

posted by Joel | 11:36 PM

Thursday, March 17  

everyone has been asking for a new happier post... but I don't have much... life has been blah lately... I think one of my problems is I want some more church... I havn't been able to go to church for several weeks now due to work... and when I want to go to the youth night cause my father's putting on a cool show... they don't let me... instead I work till 1230 at night... anyway I'm just in an irritated mood right now so my posts will take a while to be happy...

posted by Joel | 2:48 PM

Thursday, March 3  

There is a hole in me tonight... I dicovered something that made me cry... I hurt... a real personal pain... in effect what I learned tonight is the news I've been hoping for these past few days... in reality however this news is far worse than anything else I've ever heard... only one or two of you will get to know what this is... and those that will... already know who they are... if you don't know what I'm talking about do not ask... it is not knowledge I will give you no matter your importance in my life... just know that life sucks right now... and while I doubt this will make me angry... I will be sad... I will be sad for a long while

posted by Joel | 1:43 AM

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