The Long Road
Tragedy Is Life

Tuesday, May 18  

"Jake.... this fork doesn't have quite enough blood on it... I'm feeling the need to remedy that" -me

posted by Joel | 2:25 AM

Sunday, May 16  

I just put a new link in my link section for a new webcomic I read.... I do not condone its viewing by any easily influenced or offended individuals and hope my parents will just assume I'm a good person and not go see the horror that it is... if however you are one of my messed up friends who enjoys politically incorrect humor then by all means go check it out... It is called something positive and it is by now means positive... Also on a side note If I talk to you after reading it and am very hurtful and mean... know that it is not your fault... I am one of those easily influenced people who I don't condone reading this

posted by Joel | 6:54 PM

Wednesday, May 12  

I gots nothin' soo... here's other people's stuff

In the year 2000...

"Batman will admit he's gay, and Clay Aiken will admit he's Batman"

"The New York Yankees will win the World Series, but they will be disguised as Houston Astros."

"Pete Rose goes on national television to admit for the first time that he bet on the Reds. Not the Cincinnati Reds, he bet that the Soviets would win the Cold War."

"Taking a cue from George Foreman, Al Sharpton will develop his own grill that actually shames and bullies the food into getting more brown."

"Americans will be enthralled when 'Survivor' joins forces with 'The Apprentice' and 16 people see how long they can look at Donald Trump's haircut without laughing."

"Robots will do all of our dull, repetetive tasks like washing dishes and marrying J Lo."

"Brain sucking aliens will invade the earth and we'll all die trying to imitate the stunts on Jackass."

"Tired of being referred to simply as drunks, Irish Americans will legally change their name to Drunken Americans."

"Louis Anderson publicly converts to atheism when for the third day in a row his bag of Cheetos gets stuck on a vending machine."

"The answer to the question 'is there life after death' will finally be answered when the corpse of Winston Churchill holds a press conference and says 'no'."

"The New York Knicks and N' Sync will sue each other, each claiming it was their idea to be five guys who suck."

"Jim Carrey will commit his first murder of a fan after someone who just saw Bruce Almighty approaches Carrey and says 'Almighty then!"

"As a display of gratitude for their loyal support, Britney Spears will release an album dedicated to her fans. The album will be called 'Thanks Idiots.'"

"People will automatically smile for pictures when photographers develop a flash that emits not only a sudden burst of light, but also the sound of Barbra Streisand being mauled by a bear."

posted by Joel | 12:34 AM

Thursday, May 6  

They named me Grizzly Adams.... this is why I wasn't looking foreward to this... there are worse names I suppose... now I'm just gonna shave off the beard to cancel that... not really... it'll be a while before I do that... I shouldn't have said that.. Krystal's hopes skyrocketed at that instant and now I've crushed them again I'm sorry.... anyway time for more homework

posted by Joel | 3:51 PM

Wednesday, May 5  

I saw the scissors... and I saw my foot... and it just worked out -Nataniel

posted by Joel | 1:22 PM


No more morning running!!! just one more day of getting up early but tomorrow is supposed to be fun... our head coach has decided that everyone needs a nickname... so we've got a nickname assigning commitee and we're all gonna stand around after aforementioned fun stuff and decide on each others nicknames... seems a little hokey to me but whatever... this is the same coach who saved us from certain death at the hands of Coach Steele yesterday when he was angry at us... he was making us do bearcrawl gassers... just take my word for it... this sucks..... but we live another day because of the kindness of our head coach and if he now wants us to do silly little retarded things then so be it... I need to write a play review now... and a review for this piece of ancient art... I wish artistic classes didn't assume the people in the class are artistically bound.... anyway I go now to do these things...
p.s. more people must visit now that I'm doing actual posts again instead of the funny stuff I find on the internet...

posted by Joel | 1:02 PM


I'm so happy for my Family... they deserve a nice day like they had today.... It doesn't hurt my high spirits that my financial situation will be helped muchly by this great gift but I'm still mainly happy for them right now... what I'm not happy about is that the Glad-a-Wagon is starting to act funny... the battery light is coming on for no forseeable reason... It's been beat to heck... so much has happened to that poor car... a pair of accidents... Carried 7 people up to the Twain Harte area a couple times... took 5 people to Castro Valley and back.... Drove 500 miles in one day.... it cried when I finally parked it... got broken into... I am beginning to think that they were a little violent when taking out the cd player due the the light coming on.... It's idling really high sometimes... mostly after I drive it back from temecula... oh yeah... it gets the most excellent fun of going through LA traffic from time to time.... I have to check the oil every time that happens... poor poor Glad-a-Wagon.... I feel that it's end draws near.... I sure hope I'm wrong though... I'm gonna enter it in Pimp My Ride if it survives the summer... do they fix your engine or just make it look pretty? pretty guts are better than pretty skin in my opinion... anyway... the whole thing started with happyness for my parents and now I'm writting the deathbed speach for my car... oh well... I need sleep... gnight

posted by Joel | 12:38 AM

Tuesday, May 4  

so Lacey called my like 4 hours ago to say that she and David were gonna come down... for some reason I'm betting that if they manage to get out of the county there's no way they'll make it past San Francisco.... considering they haven't called for directions they probably aren't coming.... oh well... I'll be in like.... 3 weeks or so... fun fun silly willy... Bed now

posted by Joel | 12:45 AM

Monday, May 3  

posted by Joel | 3:13 PM

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