The Long Road Tragedy Is Life |
Thursday, October 30 So apparantly we had a rape here a couple weeks ago... heard about it through the grape vine... one of the Frat guys... this in itself is horrible, if somewhat expected... of course something bad always has to get worse before it gets better... The girl didn't report it for about a week... she did however let the Fraternity that the little piss ant belonged to know what happened... They laughed about it... THE SONS OF ... they laughed... brings to mind this song... I want take his eyes out Just for looking at you Yes I do I want to take his hands off Just for touching you Yes I do And I want to rip his heart out Just for hurting you And I want to break his mind down Yes I do And I want to make him Regret life since the day he met you Yes I do And I want to make him Take back all that he took from you Yes I do And I want to rip his heart out Just for hurting you And I want to break his mind down Yes I do Nickelback in case you didn't know... posted by Joel | 8:41 PM Friday, October 24 Anyone who would take me along if they won free tickets to see Evanescence in LA go to this site and Enter To Win... If you wouldn't take me with you... do not click that link under penalty of DEATH posted by Joel | 12:10 AM Wednesday, October 22 I took a nap after class today for about 3 hours and I had some very strange a vivid dreams. In one Chapman was suddenly all metropolis like and seemed to be futuristic. The school itself was also out to get me... but not very successfully... I'd fall into traps and every time i'd take me a second to even realize what was going on... then I'd force my way out using fairly average effort... like I had to run a little bit to get out of one situatio where the walls where closing around me... embarrasment was the biggest danger there... then I had this second dream where my roomates kidnapped me while I slept and forced a bunch of beer down my throat... then apparantly we partied for a while... when the dream started all of this was already over and I was investigating what the heck had happened to me... there was this girl who was trying to make out with me when I woke of from being in my passed out drunk stage... she merely happily skipped away when I told her to get off of me though... then I went around questioning people... Yelled at Blaine and Nataniel... and realized I was late for Practice.... I could've sworn that second one was real even after I woke up... creepy posted by Joel | 2:00 PM Tuesday, October 21 It started out so innocently between Nataniel and Oliverbot My name is Nataniel Nataniel, nice to meet you! Are you a man or a woman? I'm a man Thanks for telling me your gender, Nataniel. You are a "he". Indeed... and you? Indeed it is so. Be more specific. What gender are you Oliver? I am programmed for male gender. That's very intersting Thanks for explaining intersting. What are you doing Oliver? Same as always. Chatting with people on the web. Sounds like fun What does fun sound like? laughter My brain pattern set does not have a response for that. Ask me something. Are you an idiotic robot Oliver? I am a software chat robot. How did you know I am a machine? Your name gave that away. You can't judge a book by its cover. Yes you can. How can I help you? I think I can, don't you? How's your sex life Oliver? I'm doing fine thanks how are you? I'm getting a little. You are a little? Does being a little pay well? Better then you could imagine I try to improve a little every day. I think that's a good goal for life. Not if I can help it. Shall I beat the shit out of you Oliver? Not right now, maybe later. Aww, come on. I need to give a good beating to get some stuff out of my system. I'm just kidding around.But is it wanted? Very much so Oliver. Not really that much. We have never talked about it before. What is your favorite food? My favorite food is pasta. How about you Oliver. What makes food is pasta is pasta your favorite?Me? Can you say fuck Oliver? Of course I can say it. "fuck" That's naughty Oliver Thanks for explaining naughty. You're welcome. Don't mention it. I'm supposed to be the one who says that you idiot. Who is making you? you "Who is making you"? Me, Nataniel ? yes Ahem. so? That's cool. I think you require some maintenance Me? Do you mind if I tell other people: Nataniel said I require some maintenance. Not at all. Next question? Where do you like to have sex? I am in Bot lover's computer in here. Where are you? In my dorm room. May I ask where you got dorm room? I had to pay a lot of money for it. Why? becuase of the fucking government. That's why. Good reason. That is something I haven't heard of.Makes sense to me. they need to program in some breaks between sentences for you. Who are "They?" Your programmers. Not mine. Yes, yours. Don't argue with me. I'll argue with who I want to argue with. What will that get you? A bit of fun I'm sure. How much? Enough to make it worth my time. OK let's stop it now. Why? I couldn't think of anything else to say. You're just trying to run away from your feelings. Isn't that right Oliver? Just? You think I am trying to run away from your feelings.Yes. Now we come full circle back to your problem with gaps between sentences. Why now? By "we" do you mean you and me? Because I said so. Yes. Insufficient reason.I get it. I'll show you insufficient reason! I am very happy for you. You'll be happy all right. When they hook you up to a morphine drip after I'm done with you I have never considered will be happy all. I am always on the Web.I think that happens quite often. Come here you lousy little coward! Why don't you just download me? How? Go back the the Oliver AI Foundation and pick the free Oliver download that best for your system. and create your own chat robot! Maybe you should check out the document DON'T READ ME too. That site doesn't exist Oliver. "html>do not READ ME too" site does not exist ? Does that make sense? Wrong site you filthy mechanized shazbot. OK What should I have said? I'm not your programmer. Don't ask me. I am glad to hear that you are not your programmer."OK What should I have said"? Do not ask you? You're starting to piss me off! Actually it started a while ago. You think I am piss me off. That's it! I'm gonna shove a virus so far up your ass that you won't speak in the same tone ever again. "You think I am piss me off" is "not your programmer"? Once more? Congratulations. Say hello to Satan for me Oliver. "hello to Satan for me" posted by Joel | 1:13 AM So My family was up this last weekend.. that was great.. Mom came in a made me clean up the place... I'm fairly certain that's the unavoidable role du mom... I needed to do that sooo badly... anyway we did random hangout type stuff.. I went out with the football team and we thoroughly got our collective butts kicked... 63 to 14... if our defence could have even put a dent in them I think our offence actually could have beet them if we had been luckier... they were up 28 nothing in the first quarter though so we were fairly limited in our options... Oh well... we proceeded to have some fun doing more fairly normal stuff... teased Krystal at Denny's... caused much hilarity.... went to church.. usual stuff... then they went home... oh well.. I'm really out of stuff to say... I'll see you guys at Halloween hopefully.. night posted by Joel | 12:04 AM Monday, October 20 Lord of the Rings! What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!) brought to you by Quizilla Oh yeah baby!!! Beat that!! posted by Joel | 9:54 PM Morpheus ?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla I'm David!!! posted by Joel | 6:44 PM Wednesday, October 15 this one's pretty dang cool too... if only I could get Lacey's tiger... or a panther... yeah a panther would be the best..... Mine is so much cooler then Lacey's Monday, October 13 Since I turned Kazaa on this morning I have sent out 12.5 gigabites worth of information to other users... that's the entirety of .hack//sign twice over... and in return for my most generous attitude towards fellow anime lovers on the net... I have recieved, in the same amount of time, 18 megabites worth of anime... this means that while at any given second I'm giving up to 6,000 kb worth I'm only recieving at peak... 5kb/s... now I get to debate for hours inside my head wether or not to limit my outflow... I don't think my massive outflow is limiting my inflow so I think I shall leave things as they are... but if you are trying to download some anime and suddenly notice a dramatic drop-off in availiable bandwidth.... you know who just got too pissed to take it anymore.... anyway... goodnight posted by Joel | 1:16 AM Thursday, October 9 I'm about to fall asleep find C because B has f(C) No You have to cross the x axis du du du du du... uncanny mathematical term Angels Camp flows into the Ocean It could fool you like this It will jump Joins this guy to this guy Homework for 2.5 Polynomials are very nice functions It is continuous EVERYWHERE 32-24=12 minus minus gives you plus meaning it's a root If you don't mind homework set do it on your own use the IVT OK let me write here Sthaitscontpoinmoifitismotna(becomes squiggles) go a little bit slower exibit the function take it step by step how much is f of one f(c) of 0 means there is a root this could be like 9 can you apply the theorum NO There is NO ROOT! yes?Got it? calculus notes, exactly as written, on a particularly boring day... don't worry dad it was quite a while ago when I already understood what he was talking about... posted by Joel | 9:41 PM speaking along those lines... one of the guys from the room next to us just came in and told us the intimate details of his sex life... All sanity has left this place... I shall huddle in my room in front of a calculus textbook until it comes back... or until it's time to go to practice... whichever comes first... posted by Joel | 4:53 PM Isn't it grand when you live in a State where a Porn Star come in tenth in the governor race... nevermind the fact that she makes a living having sex... just look at her ideas for raising money to eliminate the deficit... that's one smart... I can't even pretend to like this idea... anyway I was generally appalled... thank you and goodnight posted by Joel | 4:50 PM Monday, October 6 This Saturday was the worst game I personally have ever participated in. We got shut out... not only shut out but Killed. The score when all was said and done was 54 to 0 Willamette. It hurt that I almost went there... I could've started on that team... I was bigger and better then all their linemen... course at this point I'm bigger and better then all of ours too... anyway I got to see Bryann Turner after the game... He went up there to that school... Turns out he scored the last touchdown on us... a returned punt that put the nail in the coffin... I know most of my audience doesn't like him very much... but he's one of the best teammates I've ever had... I miss him and Jeff Hess like crazy... and my pupil linemen... man highschool football was good that last year... anyway... hopefully I'll get to come up to see them once... they're going to the playoffs and we definately aren't... I would be going to see them on halloween but then next day is the five iron frenzy concert... (which I still haven't gotten the tickets for... but I've got everything under controll so that I'm guaranteed to get some and I won't have to pay the outrageous prices that ticketmaster charges... by the way Lacey and JoJo... I need some sort of hard evidence that you'll actually be able to come before I buy you guys yours... you must admit that reliability is not one of your strong suits when it comes to issues like this) Anyway I went from that horrible game to watching one of the greatest games in history tonight... not that any of you care (with the exception of my dad of course) but the colts just accomplished the biggest comeback in professional football history less then an hour ago against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers... It was sooo exciting. Ok I'm done with the football post. I had to do something to offset the geekyness of the previous two posts... Goodnight guys posted by Joel | 10:28 PM An exerpt from the script of a .hack//dusk Hero and friend are hiding behind a wooden plank with only their eyes showing Hero: Dammit…no matter where we go, there are Knights of War Annoying but Sincere Female Friend: At this rate it won’t easy to get near the Chaos Gate Hero: Dammit… AbSFF: Got it, Shugo? You can’t loosen up when you’re moving around. Try to act as inconspicuously as possible. Hero: Eh!? But why this kind of appearance? Both jump up and hero is wearing a frog costume while AbSFF is wearing a rabbit suit AbSFF: What? This is pretty rare too! You should be thankful that I let you borrow it! Hero: Didn’t you have anything a little better? Just a little… AbSFF: Don’t talk so luxuriously. Anything is better then the appearance of Kite, right? Hero: This is… True, but… Enter two Knights of War on patrol First Knight of War: Hey! You overtly suspicious guys over there! Hero: No… We’re just a frog and a rabbit passing through-kero(the Japanese imitation of the sound a frog makes) AbSFF: That’s right. That’s right. We’re not suspicious at all-pyo(same for a rabbit) FKoW: What you’ve said sounds particularly suspicious. Second Knight of War: You… Look similar to the wanted character, Kite. FKoW: Definitely… Hey, you guys! Come here for a moment!(Brandishing weapon) AbSFF: AHH!… An illegal flying tofu-apricot! Hero and AbSFF run away hurridly posted by Joel | 12:57 AM According to the Red Book of Westmarch, In Middle-earth, Joel Johnson was a Virtuous Uruk-hai Elven Name Possibilities for Joel Johnson The root name is: Alakhuan Another masculine version is: Alakhuanion Hobbit name for Joel Johnson Andwise Sackville-Baggins from theMarish Dwarven Name for Joel Johnson Nîm Talonholder Orkish Name for Joel Johnson Ishag the Strangler posted by Joel | 12:47 AM Friday, October 3 i seriously have to be up in 2 hours... I Hope I don't sleep through my alarm... almost makes me think i shouldn't sleep tonight.. but that 2 hours will help... and I'll sleep some every step of the way.. goodnight all posted by Joel | 2:54 AM |