The Long Road
Tragedy Is Life

Tuesday, October 29  

Wow.... just finished reading david's most recent post.............. I'm not sure I can say anything other then that... I just took a little break from this to look at the stars, I have always considered that one of the most beautiful things imaginable.... I can't see them as well as I used to, I used to step outside on a moonless night and witness all the heavens displayed before me, now I only see a few of the glories that once were... I ask myself is it my eyes? is it that there just aren't as many stars there to see? is it that damn city that keeps creeping into view more and more? the one that keeps getting brighter.. I love the movie theater that we have now... but if that's what's making it harder for me to see the stars I'll tear it down with my own two hands.... Another thought comes to mind, when I last just laid down a looked at the stars life was easier, nobody had hurt me yet, I still felt myself unbreakable... then I entered high school and not until just now have I really stopped to look at the stars... maybe the reason it's not as splendid as it used to be is straight from my mind... nothing in life is as innocent and pure as it used to be... why should my mind allow the stars to be?... whatever the reason for this I know only one thing for sure... I wanna see a perfect sky again. goodbye

posted by Joel | 10:46 PM

Monday, October 28  

For those of you who don't know, David made an oops for the previous post and accidentally put what was supposed to be on his page on mine... somehow he made himself a partner on this thing so he can do whatever the heck he wants to this thing... that's kinda a scary thought but hasn't been particularly damaging yet. Anyway as for today, Today I finally got all the stuff from that stupid traffic ticket done. Now all I have is the 6 months traffic probation and that's no big deal... I don't plan on getting pulled over so I go throught that whole deal again. I haven't talked to krystal today yet... It's getting kinda annoying that we live so far apart especially since she came up here. I'll have to call her when I'm done... this stuff is prolly pretty boring to read but so everything else I've got today. Practice was really short today so that was cool I guess... I might have somethng to talk about if I had actually listened to that congressman that came to our school today... My book was prolly far more interesting anyway... It's by Troy Denning, Rebers suggestion, and it's getting better as it goes... I was pretty disappointed at the start though... You're supposed to like the main character's love interest if she's going to remain such for and extended period of time and I really don't like this one. Anyway... time for ending this. tot siens
Quote of the day: gosh digitie darn -David Reber
Verse of the day: For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God. 1 Peter 4:17

posted by Joel | 9:53 PM

Sunday, October 27  

*david's oopz

posted by David | 9:48 PM


The game sucked... It sucked bad... First the other team does us the disrespect of showing up late and then we beat ourselves for them... Wasn't a game worth my time, or anyones for that matter.... I've had a fairly dissappointing weekend, Yesterday I spent 6 hours sanding picknic tables so I could finally finish my community service... Six hours of tedius and tiring work for no pay is a pretty good representation of hell... I got good chinese food out of the deal though so I'm not likely to go out back and shoot myself. Today we went to church and that was pretty good... I should probably try to focus on that and brighten my weekend but I don't feel like it... I'll also call Krystal when I'm done with this so that'll halp a lot... In fact I think I'll do that now since I've satisfied my need to rant. until next time, valedico
Quote of the day: Wake up you silly boy! -Nick
Verse of the day: And the haft went in after the blade and the fat closed upon the blade, so that he could not draw the dagger out of his belly; and the dirt came out. -Judges 3:22 I just thought it was a little disturbing that this was actually in the bible

posted by Joel | 7:51 PM

Friday, October 25  

I've got a game today.. they say I'll get to play... I hope I get to play... Today I might play
I've got a game today.. they say I'll have to play... I don't really want to play... Today I might play
They've got a game today.. I played it yesterday... I don't like to play that day... Today I should play
They've got a game today.. the game I used to play... Until that fateful day... I wish I could play
I wrote that freshman year. It had a couple more verses but I forgot what they were... It's pretty bad but It does follow the emotions of football at I grew up with it though... Anyway, todays game reminded me of it that's all. hyvästi
Quote of the day: It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds. -Doc You're not a hypocrite doc. You just like people to think you are. -Wyatt
Verse of the day: Jesus wept

posted by Joel | 12:15 PM

Thursday, October 24  

I have now spread my disease to everyone on the planet!!! as I type I am talking to Krystal whom I can barely hear due to it's nasty assult on her throat. Also my father is forced to mix salt into tap water and gargle with the foul solution, and members of my own football team will suffer through tomorrow's game simply because of my conduance of this virus. I feel so ashamed.... on a brighter note today was Krystal and I's monthly anniversary, and like an idiot I got the date wrong... I sent a card that would get there on the 25th..... I was only off by a day and I blame for it (bit of an explanation as to why but I feel that I'll tell that some other time). So anyway I know have to find out if she can come up for thanksgiving... I sincerely doubt my parents will mind but I figured I should at least ask them. hurray for the po po.. they caught that sniper guy so I don't have to hear about it on the news anymore... don't get me wrong.. I'm very sympathetic for the families and the people but all the news talks about is the shooter and how awful he is... the media sucks. Of course this means less reading time in Lee's class but I'm still in favor of it. The Giants are the champs!!! Not since the golden days with the Giants, Dodgers, and Yankees all in one place has anyone routed a team in the world series like they did tonight. Now if only Jeff Kent and Barry Bonds would stop getting in each others faces then we'd have a team to replace the yanks on our hands. anyway... my parents just pulled up so yeah. Arrivederci.
Quote of the day: Does this mean we can't be friends? Cause if I thought we weren't friends anymore... I just don't think I could bear it. -Doc Holiday
Verse of the day: But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not dare bring a slanderous accusation against him, but said, "The Lord rebuke you!" -Jude 9

posted by Joel | 10:25 PM

Tuesday, October 22  

hi again.... I've decided not to finish what I started last time because It's already written on Krystal's blog so It's kinda a waste to do that. My life has pretty much gone back to it's boring self now, except for the moments like these that I get to think back on last weekend of course. But mostly it's rather dull and as such not much to talk about. I think I'm gonna find a book to read now... ìÀäÄúÀøÈàåÉú
Quote of the day: You Tell him I'm coming! And tell him hell's coming with me! You hear? Hell's Coming with me!!! -Tombstone
Verse of the day: Go into all the land preaching the gospel.. use words if necessary. -sorry that's not really in there but it should be

posted by Joel | 12:23 PM

Sunday, October 20  

well we finally got my computer running again... it cost more then it did to buy it in the first place but such is life. we're taking krystal home today... well not all the way but to the airport... and she's reading over my shoulder so I won't talk much about her at this particular time. I got to read a really interesting post by my buddy reber today.... very deep. new info to me but for some reason despite being very revealing it does nothing to help me understand him.... If that's what happened to you last time then why do you want this thing we call a relationship? Lovestruck I guess... Don't worry reber... I'm not any more adept then you at this and I'm about as happy as a guy can get in that category right now so just wait and keep trying. anyway as for the past 2 days we'll go in order, first krystal, reber and I all hung out... pretty much everywhere.. first he came to my house and fixed my computer for me and then we went to school for a guest pass and stuff.... I think I'm starting like the guy.... you got some big walls but so does everybody. next we had the game..... and I have to leave so I'll finish this later. aloha
Quote of the day: You know why I like revelation? cause it lets us in on some crucial information.. in the end we win -Bill
Verse of the day: For I know the plans that I have for you says the lord they are plans for good and not for evil to give you a future and a hope -Jerimiah 29: 11

posted by Joel | 5:02 PM

Friday, October 18  

Krystal is here!!! man this is weird... I'm stuck here at school while my parents and her a hitting the town or some such fun stuff... anyway we had a good time last night so yeah.. today Is the homecoming game which means very little. We're playing East Union and they're nothing special... good thing cause I'm already sick and I couldn't sleep last night. Krystal and I are going to the dance afterwards... I haven't been to a dance in like 3 years.. I hope I remember how. that's pretty much all I've got today. farvel
Quote of the day: You've distorted her view, and god help me not to distort you! -Pax217
Verse of the day: As iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another

posted by Joel | 10:47 AM

Wednesday, October 16  

You better not Reber. Anyway today I will be using my time here to transfer some Physics notes onto a computer. My Physics teacher has decided that my handwritting sucks so I'm getting lower scores because of it.. My solution.. type it instead but the deal with my hard drive forces me to try and do so away from home so I figured i'd try writting them on here and then edit them out after I copy paste them into word
I Uniform Circular Motion
A. the motion of an object traveling with constant speed in a circular path
Ex. Kid spinning an airplane on a string at a constant speed
B. Period
1. the time it takes to complete one cycle
2. Units- seconds days weeks ect.
3. formula- T=2.... uh oh..... no pie symbol... that means there likely will be no mu either... or alpha or any greek letter stuff.... crap there goes this idea... life sucks when you're me... this was me before | this is me now __ I guess I'll just have to work on my handwritting then.... anyway adios
Quote of the day: Didn't know who it was [messing] with- Vin Deistle, Pitch Black
Verse of the day: And this is how we know what love is; Christ Jesus layed down his life for us and so should we to for our brothers. 1John 3:16

posted by Joel | 12:44 PM

Tuesday, October 15  

mwahahaha! i am the new blog master! *promises not to post anymore*

tee hee hee ^_^

posted by David | 11:03 PM


Argggg!!! my hard drive committed suicide. so now the extent of my computer time is being on the school computer. anyway the game went ok... I worked their all-star, but we ended up in a tie game. that was a real downer. especially since we got the game winning touchdown with 1:30 left in the game and the ref called it a fumble instead... such is life. anyway, this is homecoming week, and everybody knows what that means,,, well actually not everybody but the people I know of who will read this thing know that at least... Krystal is coming up! YAYYYYYY!!!! i'm quite excited if you couldn't tell. I haven't been able to see her since summer and that was way too long ago. I've got all kinds of plans for when she gets here but since she reads this from time to time I'll have to relate the tale afterwards as to keep up with the suprise-type stuff. Not that my plans are any good mind you but she's really big on that so I shan't ruin it simply for your sake. anyway it is time for me to get to the rest of my computer related stuff so til I get the chance again. pozegnac sie z kims
Quote of the day: In the end we're all dead men, sadly we can't choose when, but we can choose how we meet that end so that we may be remembered as men.
Verse of the day: And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the black dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down, that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. Revelation 12:7-9

posted by Joel | 12:13 PM

Friday, October 11  

Here I am once again... quite faithful in my blogging.. Today is the big day for me, today I test my skill against the best of the best at my position in football. Today we play against manteca. They've got bothe the mvp from last year and the best lineman on their team... and both of them happen to be linemen... and I just happen to be the one they line up over. From what I've seen on film I should have absolutely no problem with them. They think they're the biggest guys in the league but their wrong, I'm by far bigger and it even appears that I'm faster too. I also have twice the experiance so I expect a win today. The scouts will be watching. Anyway that's pretty much all I have to say on this particular day. I'll talk again tomorrow. Abschied
Quote of the day: "You! Obey the hand!" -Zim
Verse of the day: And now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and present you faultless before the presence of his glory; to our only wise god and savior be glory, dominion, majesty and power both now and forever more. Amen. Jude 24 and 25

posted by Joel | 12:01 PM

Thursday, October 10  

In the begining I was and therefore am.... and so are you apparantly, since I am talking to you I sure hope that is true.. otherwise I am quite insane.. also a very likely option.but that is the subject you will decide and not me since insanity is an inconformity to the natural way everyone else thinks and being that I have been thinking the same way since I've had the ability to I obviously would think nothing strange about it. I supposed that in their first blogs most people explain a little about themselves. I am a 17 year old male who is 6'2" and 310lbs (sounds fat but trust me It's not nearly as disturbing as it sounds) I'm also a football player, have been for 7 years now. and If my luck holds I will be for another 4 at least. I am really rather good at what I do. Now most people would automaticly assume that I'm some pompus jackass with a pig-skin for brains smply because I play this sport, well I'm not. If simply the fact that I have a blog doesn't convince you that I'm at least a little geeky then you'll just have to take my word for it. other proof is that i can answer many questions a person might have about dugeons and dragons and I know of no person who I can't beat (at least on a good day) in Super Smash Brothers Melee. Other skills I have are the fact that I am quite adept at taking tests, I scored 1390 total on my SATs and I have an excellent memory for certain things. I'll forget my own name but I can tell you wether or not I've seen a movie from just about any 10 second clip. Last but certainly not least I am a Christian. Not your bible thumpin holier then thou type of christian (at least I hope not) but It definately is a very integral part of my life and influences most of my decisions. I certainly am not perfect, far from it, but I believe that I have made at least one good choice in my life and will try to follow it to the end. and so ends my first blog.. Au Revoir
Quote of the day: How you know you have a servants heart is how you react when you are treated like one
Verse of the day: Everytime I think of you, I thank my God. And whenever I mention you in my prayers, it makes me happy.You have a special Place in my heart. So it is natural for me to feel the way I do. God himself knows how much i want to see you
Phillippians 1:3-11

posted by Joel | 10:23 PM

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